By Abagail Sullivan
Our team joined the pack and Food for the Poor for another successful day of providing sustenance to hungry families abroad.
Guatemala has one of the highest rates of chronic child malnutrition in the world, with less than half of rural Guatemalans with access to running water, only a quarter with availability of electricity and only about one in 10 with means of modern sanitation facilities. This severe food insecurity and lack of accessible, affordable medical care has led to high infant, child and maternal mortality rates.
So our team joined the pack to help gather a whopping 150,120 meals for families in Latin America and the Caribbean, alongside hundreds of generous volunteers at the Third Annual Join the Pack Event – featuring specially formulated MannaPack meals that provide direly needed sustenance to families abroad unable to afford for their own.
“Food for the Poor gave me a sense of purpose and desire to do more for the less fortunate. As I stood inside the gymnasium surrounded by all the other volunteers I noticed how happy everyone was and eager to work together toward a greater cause. We were all determined to make as many meals as possible in the allotted time, even if it meant our backs or arms became sore from standing for hours in an assembly line – because the thought of malnourished children made it more than worth it. Volunteers that entered as strangers were high-fiving by the final count and have become lasting friends. I can’t wait to join again for our third year in a row,” attests Marketing Manager Esther Rodriguez.
“This day of giving is filled with such camaraderie, positivity and light.”
And LESS Institute Scheduling Coordinator Ana Williams agrees. “After year one of ‘joining the pack,’ we knew we’d return. This day of giving is filled with such camaraderie, positivity and light, we encourage all those who can to get involved in making even a small difference in the worlds of so many families abroad.”
We send our sincerest thank yous and gratitude to Food for the Poor, our LESS Institute team members, our fellow Manna-packers, donation givers and everyone who spread the word of this noteworthy cause!
Discover more about Food for the Poor and the motivation behind this wonderful event. And visit us on Facebook to check out our team photos and beyond.
Photos by Food For The Poor