
  1. Misaligned Versus Straight Placement of Anterior Cervical Plates: A Clinical and Radiologic Outcomes Study.

  2. Ideal starting point and trajectory for C2 pedicle screw placement: a 3D computed tomography analysis using perioperative measurements.

  3. Effects of misalignment on static torsional strength of anterior cervical plate systems.

  4. "White cord syndrome" of acute tetraplegia after anterior cervical decompression and fusion for chronic spinal cord compression: a case report.

  5. Postoperative cervical haematoma complicated by ipsilateral carotid thrombosis and aphasia after anterior cervical fusion: a case report.

  6. Postoperative magnetic resonance imaging assessment for potential compressive effects of retained posterior longitudinal ligament after anterior cervical fusions: a cross-sectional study.

  7. Less exposure surgery for multilevel anterior cervical fusion using 2 transverse incisions.

  8. The manubrium as an external guide for centralizing anterior cervical plates: technique tips and initial experience.

  9. The mandibular angle as a landmark for identification of cervical spinal level.

  10. Preoperative narcotic use as a predictor of clinical outcome: results following anterior cervical arthrodesis.

  11. Myelographic evaluation of cervical spondylosis: patient tolerance and complications.

  12. Role of plate thickness as a cause of dysphagia after anterior cervical fusion.

  13. Risk for infection after anterior cervical fusion: prevention with iodophor-impregnated incision drapes.

  14. Controlled cervical extension osteotomy for ankylosing spondylitis utilizing the Jackson operating table: technical note.

  15. Mastication causing segmental spinal motion in common cervical orthoses.

  16. Use of spinous processes to determine drill trajectory during placement of lateral mass screws: a cadaveric analysis.

  17. Transforaminal cervical blood patch for the treatment of post-dural puncture headache.

  18. The young cervical spinal stenotic.

  19. Traumatic atlanto-occipital dislocation in children.


  1. Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Ambulatory Surgery Centers: Patient Selection and Outcome Measures Compared With an Inhospital Cohort.

  2. Biomechanics of posterior instrumentation in L1-L3 lateral interbody fusion: Pedicle screw rod construct vs. transfacet pedicle screws.

  3. Stabilizing Effects of a Particulate Demineralized Bone Matrix in the L4 Interbody Space with and without PEEK Cage - A Literature Review and Preliminary Results of a Cadaveric Biomechanical Study.

  4. Stability of transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion in the setting of retained facets and posterior fixation using transfacet or standard pedicle screws.

  5. Mini-open or percutaneous bilateral lumbar transfacet pedicle screw fixation: a technical note.

  6. Lag screw fixation of remote bilateral pedicle fractures of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae after a single gunshot wound: a case report and technical pearl.

  7. Risk of progression in de novo low-magnitude degenerative lumbar curves: natural history and literature review.

  8. Success of lumbar microdiscectomy in patients with modic changes and low-back pain: a prospective pilot study.

  9. Bleeding risk with ketorolac after lumbar microdiscectomy.

  10. Prospective evaluation of a 3-blade speculum cannula for minimally invasive lumbar microdiscectomy.

  11. Changes in the iliac crest-lumbar relationship from standing to prone.

  12. Interspinous bursitis in an athlete.

  13. Safety and usefulness of free fat grafts after microdiscectomy using an access cannula: a prospective pilot study and literature review.

  14. The risks of pedicle wall breech with larger screws after undertapping.

  15. The effect of nucleus pulposus crosslinking and glycosaminoglycan degradation on disc mechanical function.